Friday, March 26, 2010

Unamazing photo of amazing road

Lynn Sislo regularly links to bon mots here, and the latest link from her to here is to those crisps. In the same posting, she links to these amazing roads photos. Actually, I don’t like most of these snaps nearly as much as Lynn seems to. I don’t care for that garishly-Photoshop-enhanced look that many of them are presented in. I mean, you can make anything look garishly colourful these days, if Photoshopping is allowed. Which means that if nature itself is being garishly colourful, you start suspecting that it wasn’t being so colourful really, and it was done with Photoshop even when it wasn’t, which is not good at all.

For me, the rule with Photoshopping to make a nice looking photo (it’s different if you are trying to explain something or read some blurry-to-begin-with lettering or something) is that the result should look like it could easily have been a real, straight-from-the-camera, regular photo.

But, because it is not garishly-Photoshop-enhanced, and because unlike with many of the others, the photo is only average but the road itself is truly amazing, I do very much like this photo:


But, where on earth is this amazing road? I’m guessing it is very well know, to those to whom it is well known. But I can find no clues in the amazing roads photos posting itself.

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